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Implants are the titanium screws act like tooth when they are applied to the bone.I can write pages and pages of information here but ı want tell you simply the procedure.I have quıte a few cases so ı know which issues you wonder.


The most important thing is healing.That's why anyone who is healty to heal properly can have implants.For example diabetic people hardly heal so it is a risk for them to have implants.ALso smoking is one of the enemies of the implants after operation.It is not a risk before but it is risk for the post operative period.I mean ıt is a risk for the life of the implants.Age is not a factor.
    * General good health

    * Healthy gums

    * Sufficient underlying jawbone to support the implants

    * A good attitude to ensure that you follow through with vital oral hygiene habits

For the other factors and details.I must see your mouth and the x rays



If you want a check up before coming to me or if you wonder you are good candidate for implants or not.Please try to send me intraoral photos and x rays.I can have a look and give you a general information



If you are ok to have implants.I am writing you a prescription of an antibiotic,painkiller and mouthwash which you will use 5 days after the 1 st stage.I want you to buy the medicines from the pharmacy and bring them with you for the 1 st stage.Why ? Because I want you to go directly to rest after the procedure.There is no need to search for pharmacy in the city.As ı said these informations are all tested.If

After examination and consultation.Ä°f you are suitable there are some stages waiting for you


First I am making local injection.You don't need special injection for this procedure.This injection is the same like extraction or fillings.After you get numb I am putting the implants to the bone,and stitching the gum and the procedure is over.You must apply ice to the place where implants putted and will use the medicines you took before.You also will need to limit your diet to soft foods and follow important oral hygiene instructions. Follow-up care is important during this time.



I am taking the stitches out and taking an impression to make temporary teeth for you.Temporary teeth changes from case to case.Sometimes I am taking the impressions before starting so the temporary teeth would be ready when you came for taking the stitches out



Sometimes immediate loading can be applied directly at the 1 st stage but the authors always recommend at least 1,5 month waiting for osteointegration stage





I am making a very very small cut the gum and finding the implants hided than putting the gingivaformers over the implants to shape the gum cutted.No stitches and this is not a big surgery.After waiting 1 week you are coming for impression stage.I am taking the impressions and finishing your bridges or crowns in 1 week


What are the benefits of dental implants?

Because dental implants are patterned after the support system for the replacement teeth or dentures. Other benefits include:

 Improved biting pressure. Healthy teeth are able to absorb over 500 pounds of biting pressure per square inch. If you’ve worn dentures for a long time, that pressure may be diminished significantly, to one-tenth that of natural teeth. Dental implants can often restore the amount of pressure that can be withstood to nearly the same level of healthy natural teeth.

Comfort and fit. Because your replacement teeth are anchored securely to the implants in your jawbone, they can’t slip and slide like unsecured dentures can. Then dentures aren’t secure enough, they often cause sores in the mouth and an annoying clicking sound.Logevity and reliability. With proper oral hygiene and care, scientifically tested and approved dental implant systems have been shown to last as long as 20 years or more with few complications. Increased self-confidence. Because dental implants function remarkably like natural teeth, most people who get them experience a renewed sense of self-confidence once they realize they can chew, talk, laugh and smile again with confidence.


What you must do or not to do ?


To follow the same procedure as for Tooth Extraction but with additional recommendation as follow.


    * On the first day after the surgery , even if there is no swelling , it is recommended to apply cold pack (or ice wrapped in small towel) to the area of the face closest to the wound to help reduce swelling that will occur on the following days. However, do not suck on ice cubes.

    * The swelling usually starts on the second day after the surgery and continue throughout the first week. During this time , limit strenuous sports water sports.Do not stay at the sunshine and do not take seawater to your mouth.







There are two types of fillings.

Mercury fillings and white composite fillings

I don't prefer mercury fillings if ı don't have to.I often do white fillings.White filling technology is improved so please don't believe that they are not strong as mercury fillings.Bonding Technology (Composite Bonding) is used while doing that fillings.Composite bonding is one of the most conservative, versatile and affordable ways to aesthetically restore a multitude of cosmetic problems.To begin a bonding procedure, I  treat the tooth with a special enamel conditioner to roughen the enamel surface and allow the bonding material to adhere. A composite resin is the applied and shaped to match the contour of your natural tooth. The surface of the composite is then restored to the tooth’s natural shape and polished to achieve a natural luster and appearance..The product I use as filling material is KURARAY a japanese company and they are the best and trustable company which produces many hi-tec dental products.These products are not only used only to fill the cavities.I also use them for cosmetic dentistry for example

 * Spaces between the teeth (Diastemas)

    * Broken or chipped teeth

    * Unsightly, stained or washed-out fillings

    * Cracked or leaking fillings

    * Permanently stained or discolored teeth

    * Crooked or poorly shaped teeth

Cosmetic dentistry is a blending of art and science. With a focus on esthetic results and using a variety of the latest restorative techniques



The procudere is done by local anesthetic like doing a normal filling  

İf the decay is very deep and reached to the pulp where the nerves are we take the nerves of the tooth and this process is called root treatment..the indicatıons for root treatment is night pain and to much sensitivity to hot ann cold.Sometimes you cant bite with that tooth too.We prefer to do root treatment in two stages 1st stage we are taking the nerves,making the canals wider and putting temporary root canal filling.Generally one week later finishing the permanent white filling.Some time sif the patient has got a time problem we can finish all in one treatment too.


    * Pain may persist for the first few days after the treatment. Pain relief medication can be taken if necessary.

    * During the first week after the root canal treatment, avoid chewing any kind of food on the treated side. After the first week up unit completion of the permanent restoration of the treated tooth, avoid tooth fracture.



      Dental Veneers are differs from the crowns by their filing method.I am filing only the fornt part of the enamel very less amount.I found a name for these ' they are lilke fake nails'.Only a little part of enamel is filed from the surface.They are semi-translucent porcelains bonded to the front part of your teeth.They stay there by the help of special resin laser glue.

      ·      Closing diastemas (spaces between the teeth)

·      Restoring broken or chipped teeth

·      Covering unsightly, stained or washed-out fillings

·      Whitening permanently stained or discolored teeth

·      Correcting uneven or crooked teeth

      When your smile is disfigured by decay, abrasion, chipping, breakage or imperfect development, our goal is to restore its natural beauty so you can smile with confidence.There are many benefits and advantages to having porcelain veneers applied to your front teeth. These may included any or all of the following considerations:

·      Only a small amount of natural tooth structure (if any) is removed during the procedure.

·      A healthy, natural look is achieved with little or no discomfort.

·      Veneers are often less expensive than alternative procedures.

·      Veneers are strong, durable and color-stable.



There are two types of teeth whitening


I first do the scale & polish than take two impressions from each jaw than send the impressions to the laboratary for making gum shields.I give you the jels and tray and show you how to use it.You will put the jel into the tray than apply the tray into your mouth and sleep.According to my experiences after the 4-5 th night you will get the perfect white colour.



We first do the scale & polish than u sit into the chair for 40 minutes and after 40 minutes the procedure will be over..

every teeth whitening company have both products so they arent different from each other when u compare the result but some patients doesnt want to sit into the chair staying mouth open for 40 minutes and some of them dont want to use at home.So we are doıng the one which suıts to u

Not all patients are candidates for teeth whitening. Your dentist will examine your teeth before deciding on whitening.

·      Not all patients are responsive to the whitening process and not all patients respond at the same rate.

·      There are many methods to improve the colour of your teeth.

·      Any restoration i.e. filling, crowns etc.,in the front teeth may need replacement for proper colour matching after the whitening.

·      Teeth with very dark marks, especially those with tetracycline staining , may need more than one whitening process over several months to achieve satisfactory results.

·      There is no reason for re whitening or “touchup” unless there is an obvious deterioration in the colour change.

·      Most common side effects are tooth sensitivity an/or soft tissue irritation , Both side effects will return to normal when the whitening treatment has been completed and no long term effects should be experienced. Often the reduction of time per treatment or frequency of whitening alleveates such effects. If side effects persist ,however, the patients should consult the dentist.

·      Patients should avoid food that contains a dark colour i.e. tea, coffee, red wine, cola etc., for at least 48 hours to prevent staining after whitening.

      A composite resin filling is used when only a small amount of tooth structure needs replacing or repair. A full crown is indicated when a tooth has had root canal treatment of when a substantial amount of the entire tooth structure (enamel) has been lost. A porcelain veneer is indicated when a portion of the front surface of a tooth needs a “face left.”

      Similar to a resin bonding procedure, veneers are attached directly to the existing tooth structure. We take an impression of your tooth to make an exact replica.

During your appointment, we treat your tooth with a mild conditioning solution. Before the veneer is placed, we apply a tooth-colored liquid bonding material, which helps the veneer adhere to your natural teeth.

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